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Because Haman cast lots to see when he might succeed in getting the Jews killed.

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Q: Why is Purim also called the Feast of Lots?
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What is the only Jewish feast NOT associated with exodus?

Neither Hanukkah nor Purim is associated with the Exodus in any way, though it is debatable as to whether they may be correctly called "feasts." See also the Related Link.Link: Jewish occasions

What were the meals like in medieval castles?

The rich had a large feast of meats, they also had lots of fish. They believed vegatables were bad for you.

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Hymenaios, also called Hymen or Hymenaeus.

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Armour for all the wars, it was on the news this morning how they have found lots and lots and lots of his aermour from all over the world. Ok goodbye Also on big meals If you watched Heston's Tudor feast ud know food was entertainment in those days Armour for all the wars, it was on the news this morning how they have found lots and lots and lots of his aermour from all over the world. Ok goodbye Also on big meals If you watched Heston's Tudor feast ud know food was entertainment in those days

When is the French feast la fete de rois?

Also called 'l'ephiphanie' it is on le six janvier.

What do Jewish children do during purim?

1) Customarily, children wear costumes on Purim, make noise when Haman's name is mentioned in the Megillah, and enjoy the sweets which are exchanged between friends. 2) All Jews, children and adults, have the mitzva of hearing the reading of the Megillah (the Scroll of Esther). 3) In addition, adults have a Purim feast, in which children also participate. 4) Adults give charity to the poor (children may too but aren't obligated as adults) 5) Adults exchange gifts of food (children may too but aren't obligated as adults)

What is the meaning of 'Adloyada' on Purim?

Until you don't know...the difference between the names Mordechai and Haman read in Megillat Esther. Also used as a name for a carnival or party on Purim from this idea.

When is the Purim holiday celebrated?

Purim last one day. in most of the cities it celebrated on the 14th of Adar. but in cities that was walled at the time of Joshua Purim is celebrated on the 15th of Adar, this day is also called Shushan Purim. so it is also right to say that Purim lasts for two days (14-15 of Adar) but in each place is last only one day.

Christmas is also known as what other feast?

The feast of the Nativity of Our Lord.

How is Christmas different from st Stephen?

I think the Feast of St. Stepehen is also called Boxing day (or it falls on the same day)

What date is the feast of St. Joseph the Worker?

May 1st is the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. He also has a feast day on March 19.

What is another name for Hanukkah?

Hanukkah is also known as the Festival of Lights, the Feast of the Dedication, or the Feast of the Maccabees. In addition, it is sometimes also spelled as Chanukkah.