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Chericof is recommended by most paedetricians in India.It is a non -alcoholic & non addictive syrup which is safe for kids unlike Benadryl.It also comes in sweet cherry flavour so that my kid can take it without making fuss. It works in Dry Cough.

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11y ago

It is the best child cough syrup it gives a quick relief of all 3 symptoms n the very best part is it is non alcoholic n non addictive and the cherry flavour makes it more child friendly.

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Is cough syrup mixture or compound or element?

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think about that..can you see different liquids in cough syrup? different colors and chunks of meds? if not it is homogenuous.

Which is the best OTC syrup?

The best OTC syrup is any one which can soothes cough and sore throat within minutes of consuming it. Usually honey and basil are very effective in killing bacteria which cause sore infections. Generally everyone knows how to help a sore throat; but it is also important that you must keep the right medicine at the right time. Keep stock of cough lozenges as far as possible.

Can you take penicillin with cough syrup?

It depends what your antibiotics are for. If you are taking antibiotics to treat a bronchial, lung, or throat infection, I would say stay away from any cough syrup containing dextromethorphan. This suppresses your cough, which is your body's natural defense against foreign material in your airway. Think about it. You have bacteria trying to grow into a colony in your throat. If you keep coughing them up, they will have a much harder time growing and thriving. If you suppress your cough, they will be able to settle down without much disturbance. However, if you get a cough syrup with guaifenesin as it's active ingredient, that may be best. Guaifenesin does not stop you from coughing, but helps you cough up whatever is in your airway better. It breaks up all that phlegm in there and allows it to pass. This may be your best bet. Just be SURE to drink a full glass of water with each dose of Guaifenesin. You will be surprised how much it helps! However, if your antibiotic is for some other type of infection, like an ear infection or something not related to your cough at all, I would guess any type of cough syrup is fine. Remember, DM is for a DRY cough, and Guaifenesin is for a wet cough. It is best to ask the doctor who perscribed the antibiotic, or consult with a pharmacist. They know these things very well.

Which is the best cough syrup?

There is a medication (over the counter) called Coricidin HBP. HBP abr"high blood pressure". Unlike most medications for cough/expectorants,it is less likely to elevate blood pressure. Stephanie Glen, Jonesboro, AR pharmacy technician

Where are aspirin cough syrup and bandages kept?

It all depends on where you are looking. In a pharmacy, they are kept on certain shelves depending on that certain pharmacies guidelines and procedures. If you are looking in someones house, it is common to look in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom or depending on the occupants preferences. If you are talking about where to keep them for best storage purposes it is best to keep cough syrup in the refrigerator, aspirin is okay at room temperature, and bandages are best in room temperature. This also depends on the brands and ingredients of these items. Some should specify on the back of the box or container.

What's the best cure for whooping cough?

Garlic Syrup helps alot with whooping cough, It is a good home remedie if you dont have money to buy regural medication. All you need is 1 pound garlic, peeled and chopped, apple cider vinegar water and honey. Vitamin C saturation is one fairly common method of shortening the duration of whooping cough, It is best to used vitamin C.

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I Thing I Would Be Outher Baxstar Or ....Cough Cough Mightman Gift him Cough Cough

How can you find benylin with codeine in the united kingdom?

A lot pharmacies have it but its usually stocked behind the counter, the best way to obtain the product is to dress in a smart manner and then simply tell the pharmacist that its for your mother / granny and its the only cough syrup they use and are with familiar with. Works for me, good hunting! A lot pharmacies have it but its usually stocked behind the counter, the best way to obtain the product is to dress in a smart manner and then simply tell the pharmacist that its for your mother / granny and its the only cough syrup they use and are with familiar with. Works for me, good hunting and be safe!