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Thailand is known as "land of white elephant" because Thailand is the only Southeast Asian nation that has never been colonised by the europeans.

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Q: Why is Thailand called the land of white elephants?
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Which country is also called the land of white elephants?


What is the land of the white elephants?

it is thailand

Which place Land of the white elephants?


Which country is known as the land of elephants?

the answer is AFRICA

Where is the white elephant found?

Thailand is known as the land of the white elephant. Though no actual white elephants have been sighted in Thailand, the history of the country talks of great kings of the land who had white elephants in their palaces. The white elephant symoblises wealth, peace and prosperity to the nation whose ruler has them.

Why is Thailand called land of white elephants?

The white elephant, Airavata, carries the Hindu god, Indra. Because of this, white elephants are a major symbol of divine royal power in Thailand. The number of white elephants a king possesses symbolizes how much power that king has. Thailand is the only Southeast Asian nation that has never been colonized by Europeans, making them culturally strong. Their government remains purely Thai. The white elephants help to symbolize this.

Which country is called land of thousand elephants?

maye be south africa or thailand

What is the capital of siam?

Siam was d old name for modern Thailand, d land of white elephants. So d capital would b Bangkok.

What nation is Thailand?

The former Siam also known as the land of smiles and the Nation of the White Elephant.

What is in Thailand?

Thailand is develpoing country. It is called the land of smiles.

Why is Laos called the land of a million elephants?

Laos is called the land of a million elephants as it once served home to many elephants. This is a landlocked country in Asia but does not have many elephants currently.

Why Thailand called land of free?

In the native language of Thailand, Thai means free. So Thailand is roughly free land, or land of the free.