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A control group is needed to see how the sample responds under normal conditions

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Q: Why is a control group necessary in a scientific investagation?
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Why is a control group necessary in the scientific experiment?

Without the control group, the test is not able to measure the difference with a standard condition

What is a control in a scientific experiment?

A control refers to the "control group" in a scientific experiment. The control group is compared to the experimental group. For example, pretend you are experimenting to see if a drug works. Group A (The experimental group) is given the real drug, and Group B (The control group) is given a fake drug (placebo) to compare results.

The experimental group and the?

Learn about the difference between the control group and the experimental group in a scientific experiment.

Why is a control needed in a scientific method?

Because In a scientific method there has to be a independent,controll,and dependent variable. A control group has to be in a scientific method cause ther is only one needed.

What scientist compares data from her control group and experimental group what scientific method is she performing?

Observing an experiment

What is the test for whether a hypothesis is scientific?

The conditions of what is called his control group.

What is scientific control group?

A control group is the group in which one attempts to keep everything the same as would naturally occur. This is done to be able to compare groups that have results to a standard reference.

What does control means in a scientific method?

Usually, there are two groups, a control group and an experimental group. For example, if you were showing how plants grow with fertilizer versus manure, the control group would be the fertilizer or the manure, depending on which you usually use. The experimental group would be the new substance, because you are experimenting on that. The control is what you give to the control group, if I am not mistaken. It is what you are not changing.

What is a contol group?

A control group is a few items that are used as a base to compare results. They are neutral and generally used in scientific experiments.

A scientist compares data from her control group and experimental group. What scientific method is she performing?

Observing an experiment

What should you include in your experiment Scientific method?

You should include answer to your problem, 1 variable, and a control group.

When does the scientific community accept the results of a scientific experiment?

after it has been tested against a control group with stats