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The dura (sack containing the spinal cord and also the spinal fluid) is surrounded by the epidural space. So, when placing a lumbar puncture needle ("spinal" needle) successively through: the skin of the lower back, the underlying fat, the ligaments that run vertically between the spinous processes of the spine, it will have to go across the epidural space, then puncture the dura and enter the spinal fluid, a few milliliters of which is then sent for laboratory testing.

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13y ago
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14y ago

The Lumbar section of the spine is in the small of the back.

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becase the docter undrestand that what is metastasis in the brain and CNS system

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Lumbar punctures are generally done lower than L-2 because that is where the spinal cord terminates

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Where in the vertical column is a lumbar puncture generally done?

I think you mean level of the vertebral column is a lumbar puncture generally performed?

The lumbar puncture must be done below the?

between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae

Where do you do a lumbar puncture?

Lumbar puncture is done at the level of L3 to L4.

Where along the vertebral column is a needle inserted for a lumbar puncture?

Between L3/ L4 or L5/L6l2-3A lumbar puncture is usually done between L3-L4 (lumbar vertebrae 3 and 4)

Where in the vertebral column s a lumbar puncture generally done?

spinal cord

Which fluid is obtained by lumbar puncture?

Cerebrospinal fluid is obtained by lumbar puncture.

How long does it take to have a lumbar puncture?

A lumbar puncture takes about 30 minutes.

Where in the vertebral column is a lumbra puncture generally done?

A lumbar puncture is usually done between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae (L3 and L4) as, in adults, the thick part of the spinal cord has ended by this point, meaning it can't be damaged by the lumbar puncture. The nerve fibres in this area are called the cauda equina (horse's tail) and they actually seem to move out of the way as the needle passes though into the cerebrospinal fluid.

Procedure formed where cerebrospinal fluid can be withdrawn without damage to the spinal cord?

a spinal tap, or lumbar puncture

A 14-year-old boy has just been admitted with symptoms of meningitis nuchal rigidity fever vomiting and lethargy The nurse knows to expect to prepare for the following test?

Prepare for lumbar puncture

What is the difference in a lumbar puncture and a spinal tap?

It's the same. Two terms used for one procedure. Or we may say that lumbar puncture is a spinal tap that is done in lumbar area, while spinal tap can also be performed right below the occipital bone (called suboccipital puncture). All in all it's a procedure to obtain the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

What type of aftercare is needed after a lumbar puncture?

Patients must avoid sitting or standing and remain lying down for as long as six hours after the lumbar puncture. They should also drink plenty of fluid to help prevent lumbar puncture headache