

Why is a recession bad?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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13y ago

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my suggestion is that is a situation where bank grant load or lend money to people, company even another bank knowing that they can not re-pay the debt

thank you


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Q: Why is a recession bad?
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No. The president can not cause a recession . The causes of recessions are many and complicated and vary with each recession. One man or even one corporation can not cause a recession. As for preventing a recession or shortening a recession, even there, the president is more of a cheerleader or at best a coach than a cause. He can make suggestions but he can not change the law or set government fiscal policy - only Congress can do that. After each recession, new laws and regulations are put in place in hopes of preventing another recession, but people find ways around the laws or create new financial schemes that no one had thought to outlaw. Further the government can not legislate against greed or stupidity or bad management.

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What is a simple definition of economic recession?

i dont know. i think its 3 months of bad profits and sales within business

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The adjective of recession is recessionary.

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