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It is not necessary to create income statement for one year but even then one year is considered reasonable time period for any type of company to find out profit and loss and for which financial statements can be prepared.

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Q: Why is an income statement prepared for a 1 year period?
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What goes on a income statement?

income statement includes expenses and incomes related to that specific single fiscal year for which that income statement is prepared. It is to clarify that only income and expenses related to that specific period is included and not for any other fiscal year.

Why an income statement prepared?

An income statement let's the management of the company know how well or how poorly the company performed over the year. The balance sheet is a snapshot at the end of the year that show's how much the company has in assets, liabilities, and in equity.

Why would you prepare a income statement?

Income statement is prepared to find out the net profit or loss related to one fiscal year of business activities.

Do Prior period adjustments to income are reported in the current year's income statement?


What period of time is the income statement?

Income statement can be made for any period of time but normally it is one fiscal year and all expenses and incomes related to that fiscal period is shown.

Can Net income on an income statement be negative?

Yes net income on income statement can be negative and that amount is called net loss for that specific period or fiscal year.

Does current income go into cash flow statement?

Yes in indirect method of cash flow statement , cash flow from operating activities is prepared by taking the current year income as starting point

Where does interest payable goes on the income statement?

Interest payable is that amount which is payable at future date and not paid in current year or period, income statement only shows expenses of current period that's why it is not shown in income statement rather it is shown under current liability of balance sheet.

What is a financial statement that summariezes the revenues and expenses for a specific period of time called?

An income statement is the summary of a business's income and expenses during the past year. Income statements are used to determine how well a business is performing financially.

Why expenses debited in the income statement?

All incomes and expenses related to one fiscal year arrives in income statement as it is the sole purpose of income statement to show all expenses and incomes to arrive and net profit or net loss for that period.

What is included on a income statement?

All expenses and incomes related to one specific fiscal year is shown in income statement which ultimately bring down the net profit or net loss for that period.

What is the purpose of a income statement?

All expenses and incomes related to one specific fiscal year is shown in income statement which ultimately bring down the net profit or net loss for that period.