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because it is

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Antarctica is a continent preserved for science. It is the least polluted continent on earth. It offers a living laboratory where scientists can study the health of planet earth.

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Antarctica's only legal resource is an environment where scientists can study the health of planet earth. It is the only such environment available to us humans.

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What resources did Antarctica have that were considered to be valuable? What resources did Antarctica have that were considered to be valuable?

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What resources did Antarctica have that were considered to be valuable?

Antarctica's number one resource is raw data related to the health of planet earth. This is what scientists study when they develop projects funded by their governments and study in Antarctica.

Why are metal deposit in Antarctica are not considered to be ore?

they are not considered to be ores because they are not valuable enough. it costs to much money to get it from antarctica to usa Because ores are considered to be profitable. Ores are used in Antarctica for rodes and heating, not to make a profit.

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Minerals, Oil, and Prostution

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Because the animals that live there depend on the weather

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because are strictly derived by humanbeeing Human skills and labor are not considered natural resources, they are considered "human capital" since these are valuable items that are invested in. Natural resources are water, timber, minerals, oil, iron, get the idea.

Why will Antarctica be valuable in fifty year?

Antarctica will be valuable in fifty years because the Antarctic treaty will end and people will start drilling it to get oils from underneath it.

What resources or valuable things that benefit mankind are found there?

what resources (or valuable things that benefit mankind)are found there

What resources or valuable things that benefit mankind are found?

what resources( or valuable things that benefit mankind ) are found?

Where are resources found in antarctica?

Antarctica's only resource is scientific data.

What resources are you taking from antarctica?

Scientific data is the only export from Antarctica.

What prohibits any nation from taking resources from Antarctica?

The Antarctic Treaty prohibits any nation from extracting Antarctica's resources.

What type of resources are there on Antarctica?

There are not any