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Bacteria is in the last step on a food chain because is a decomposer!!

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Q: Why is bacteria in the last step of a food chain?
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Step in a food chain or food web?

food chain- grass->tipaklong->frog->snake->eagle->bacteria The different steps or levels of a food chain or web are called "trophic levels." They can also be characterized as producers or consumers. The consumers can be characterized as first order, second order, tertiary, etc. And then there are the scavengers and decomposers.

What happens to energy as we move from step to step in a food chain?

I think what you are referring to is a food chain, It is a series of energy steps from plants to animals and more animals in the form of food.

Each step in a food chain or food web?

trophic level

What happens to energy as you move from step to step in a food chain or web?

It decreases.

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What is the final step in the food chain?

probably amoeba

Is each step in a food chain or food web called?

trophic levels.

What is the steps in a food chain?

it's the plants or you can say grass 1- grass(primary producer or first step of food chain) eaten by....... 2- frog eaten by........ 3- snake eaten by........ 4- eagle

A step in the transfer of energy and matter in a community?

Food chain

Zooplankton get their energy from?

Zooplankton get their food from eating phytoplankton. The phytoplankton are the base of the food chain. Zooplankton are primary consumers or the second step in the food chain.

Organisms in the same step in a food chain and depen on the organism in the step before it?

Trophic Level