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If it occurs in the workplace it's just like harassment which is an OHS issue.

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Q: Why is bullying considered to be an OHS issue?
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Related questions

Is bullying a contemporary issue?

Bullying is a contemporary issue. However, bullying is not just a contemporary issue. It is actually a very old problem. But what is different is that more people are aware of bullying now, and we now have electronic bullying which can increase the impact of bullying.

What is the issue on bullying?

The issue is if bullying get to its point kids want to suicide. And it Will also lead to unable to learn.

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cyber bullying is a main issue.

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because ur a kid who goes to OHS

Why isn't bullying a problem?

Bullying is an issue. It can lead to depression, suicide, and low self esteem among other things.

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Why is bullying important to others?

Bullying is considered an issue due to the consequences of persistent bullying on a variety of things, for instance a bullying victim's self-esteem, sense of safety, and in some cases, physical health. Very frequent or especially harsh bullying can also induce depression in a victim and lead them to commit suicide. Additionally, widespread problems with bullying and its consequences reflect poorly on school districts, workplaces and even websites (cyberbullying). Importance is also placed on correcting the attitudes which lead to bullying, for example, insecurity or intolerance due to ignorance. This is especially true in school systems or in other areas where people need to be sociable and have positive interactions with each other. For ethical reasons bullying is also an issue of some importance. Attempting to purposefully create an environment of fear and/or violence in order to either physically/mentally injure someone or force them to do something you want, is usually not considered morally acceptable.

Someone said im bullying the when im not?

Tell them this: your being your honest self and it's not considered bullying.

Is bullying a moral issue?

Absolutely. Bullying hurts people emotionally, and anything that hurts people (or any living thing) is morally wrong.

Why taking someone else's things considered bullying?

I believe that is considered theft.

Is cyber bullying considered a social problem?
