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Caffeine can actually be very good for you.

However, like all chemicals which act upon the nervous system, constant or high usage can result in the body becoming dependent on it. Because of the way the CNS works, stopping such usgae results in the effects it counteracts being much more pronounced for some time (probably due to the increased amount of chemicals released to counteract the caffeine).

Like all drugs and chemicals, the things itself is neither good or bad - it is how you use it that matters.

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15y ago

It makes you grow dicks! and if your a man.... you still have your dick... but instead theres a vagina at the end of yourrr penis!

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some what but some may have an amount of caffeine in it witch caffeine is not really good for you.

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Is it good for children to drink caffeine?

No, caffeine is especially bad for children, and should be avoided.

Is there a list of Diet drinks without caffeine?

Good old liquid water. There is Caffeine Free Pepsi and Caffeine Free Coke.

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no, it has caffeine in it.

Is there such thing as good and bad caffiene?

There is no goodcaffeine. Caffeine is bad for your body You need some caffeine.

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their are some myth that caffeine can affect plants bad or good

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caffeine, colour and preservatives ..... NOT a good idea.

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Coffee is bad for working out. Caffeine has a high level of caffeine, which dehydrates you. Also, the caffeine may cause an unhealthy spike of energy and a crash afterwards.

Is caffeine good for a juvenile diabetic?

Yes caffeine is good for a type 1 diabetic because it gives good energy, and can wake a teen up in the morning. I suggest drinking decafe coffee though.

Is rockstar good for you?

If you're talking about the energy drink, no. It's full of caffeine and right on the label it says no for people sensitive to caffeine, pregnant women and children. But it is so good!

Can too much caffeine cause a burning sensation in the breast area?

Yes, caffeine can cause acid reflux. There are medications that can help but reducing caffeine intake might be a good idea.