

Why is constant daylight bad?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why is constant daylight bad?
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The south polar regions.

Does Finland has constant daylight?

In the far north, in summer, yes.

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No, they are constantly changing.

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the north pole has constant day light when the northen hemisphere is facing the sun. This carrys on for six months, then the earth turns and and the northen hemisphere will be facing the oppersite way of the sun causing night time for six months

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Well, Indonesia is a tropical country. So, Sun shines every single day. And it's constant. Indonesia's got normally 12 hours daylight.

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One - one side of Earth would be in constant daylight, while the other side would be in constant darkness. Two - life as we know it, would not exist.

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One - one side of Earth would be in constant daylight, while the other side would be in constant darkness. Two - life as we know it, would not exist.