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Deforestation destroys the habitat of animals.

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Q: Why is deforestation an effect of ecosystems?
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What is an example of how ecosystems on Earth affect each other?

Deforestation of rain forests harms other ecosystems.

Clearing farmlands or massive cutting of trees leads to?

Deforestation, or removing all trees in an area. Deforestation can result in the destruction of entire ecosystems, and have a huge effect on a region's biodiversity.

The deforestation of rainforest ecosystems for logging and for farming has had what direct effect on those areas?

According to USA Test Prep, the answer would be the desertification of the areas.

What is the largest human impact on forest ecosystems?


What is an example of ecosystems on Earth affect each other?

Deforestation of rain forests harms other ecosystems.

What is an example of how ecosystems on each affect each other?

Deforestation of rain forests harms other ecosystems.

How can deforestation cause environmental effect?

Deforestation means cutting down of trees. So if there r no trees there is no word called environment. This is the way deforestation effect the environment

What can effect ecosystems?

mickey mouse

What effect does deforestation have on forest resources?

Deforestation has a direct negative effect on forest resources. This is because deforestation can kill many organisms including medicinal plants.

Which statement describes one effect of deforestation?

One of the effects of deforestation is increased global warming.

What is the effect of deforestation on tribal people?


What are the effect of urbanization on deforestation?

we do not get food by the villages