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Electricity was discovered not invented. Without it our lives would be more difficult though.

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Electricity was needed in order to generate power to the device(s) which allowed you to pose this question on the internet in the first place...

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Q: How does Electrical Energy help us?
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How much of the total energy produced in the US is electrical energy?

73 % is electrical energy

Hoe does Mechanical energy turns into electrical energy how?

help me out

Do 68 percent of the electrical energy in the US produced by Nuclear Fuel?

No. About 20% of the US electrical energy supply is from nuclear power.

What do you use electrical energy for?

Electrical energy is used to do work for us by converting it into different forms of energy like mechanical, light, sound, heat energy with help of certain devices like motors. Thus electrical energy can be used to do virtually anything like using a fan or A.C. to power robots, space rovers etc.

What does a motor do to help the circuit from working?

it changes the electrical energy into mechanical energy

How do plants use chemical energy to help animals?

convert some of it to electrical energy

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electrical energy to light energy

Which conversion of energy could help you stay cool on a hot day?

electrical energy to mechanical energy

Energy that will help prevent energy shortages and allow fossil fuels to last longer?

electrical energy

What conversion of energy could help stay cool on a hot day?

electrical energy to light energy

What is 68 percent of the us electrical energy produced by?


Does 68 of the us electrical energy produce by nuclear fuel?
