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George Orwell isn't against communism. He actually was a communist. He was against the fascism that the Soviet Union essentially became.

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Orwell was a socialist; he was against Stalin.

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What were the political views of George Orwell?

He represents the Socialism.

How did George Orwell die?

In 1950, Orwell died after a three-year battle against tuberculosis.

Why was George Orwell suspicious of Stalin?

"Suspicious" is odd word choice, but Orwell became disillusioned by the fact that many Left-stances were looking at Stalin's regime as a form of Socialism, which was Orwell's personal philosophy. This was one of his inspirations for writing Nineteen Eighty-Four.

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What kind of political system would George Orwell approve of?

George Orwell advocated for a democratic socialist political system, where power is decentralized and shared among the people. He believed in equality, workers' rights, and individual freedoms, while also being critical of totalitarianism and authoritarianism. Orwell's writings often reflected his admiration for participatory democracy and social justice.

Was George Orwell a supporter of joseph salin and wrote Animal Farm as propaganda to support stalinism in the former ussr?

George Orwell refers to Stalin as a "disgusting murderer" in his diary, so I think it's safe to say he wasn't a supporter.Animal Farm is, if anything, a ringing condemnation of Stalin's brand of socialism. Again, if it was intended as pro-Stalin propagana, Orwell was singularly bad at it.

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George Orwell, while a supporter of Socialism, did not advocate Communism. He makes his viewpoint rather clear in his work Animal Farm George Orwell, while a supporter of Socialism, did not advocate Communism. He makes his viewpoint rather clear in his work Animal Farm

What are the similarities between socialism and anarchism?

Both include communal ownership of the means of production, and both are against economical hierarchies. While socialism at it's core is only against economical hierarchies, anarchism is against all hierarchies, be they economical, political, social, racial or sexistic.

What religion was George Orwell?

George Orwell was an agnostic.