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Most plants are green and the thing responsible for them being green is their chlorophyll (which is what is also responsible for photosynthesis). The fact that they are green means that they're not using that wavelength frequency.

Red would be the best wavelength to get plants to photosynthezise and grow.

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Q: Why is green the poorest color to give plants energy to grow?
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What contains chlorophyll a green pigment that traps energy from sunlight and gives plants there green color?


What green pigment that traps energy from sunlight and gives plants their green color contains Chlorophyll?


Where do plants get there green color?

Plants get there green color from their chlorophyll in their cells

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theoretically green plants contain every color except green, so non green plants in our eyes only contain the color green

Why are plants green in colour?

Due to the presence of chlorophyll plants are green in color.

What pigment traps the enegry?

Chlorophyll is the pigment in plants that traps energy from the sun using photosynthesis.

Why is it that generally the leaves of plants is color green?

Because plants use chlorophyll to photosynthesize energy from solar radiation and chlorophyll is a bad absorber of light's green wavelengths.

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The color green in plants comes from the chlorophyll it uses to make food from the energy of the sun. Some plants are not green and can make the food they need themselves using nutrients in soil and water.

Which substance is a green pigment in chloroplasts that absorbs energy for photostems?

They are the chlorophyll. The major photosynthesis pigment

What organelle contains chlorophyll a green pigment that traps energy from sunlight and gives plants their green color?

They are the chloroplasts. They contain the pigments

What is chollorphyl?

Chlorophyll can be defined as the pigment which gives plants their green color and is found in most plants and algae. It also facilitates the process of photosynthesis which allows the absorption of energy from light.