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A Noble Gas does not need to have eight electrons to be classed as such - it simply must have a full outer shell. The first shell can only hold two electrons, which is what helium has, so helium is a Noble Gas. The second and third shells hold eight electrons, which is why other noble gases can be seen as having eight electrons. However no Noble Gases have eight electrons in total - just eight in the outer shell, as the shells fill from the inside out...

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Helium is an exception to the rest of the noble gases because it has only two electrons in it's valence shell, unlike the rest which all have 8.

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In the first shell - 1s - 2 electrons is also an extremely stable arrangement.

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Unlike the other shells there is only room for 2 electrons in the first and smallest electron shell.

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it's two two two and two

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Q: Why is helium an exception to the noble gases?
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Noble gases are also known as the inert gases, meaning they don't react because they have a stable octet (eight electrons in their valence shell). They all have eight electrons in their valence shell with the exception of helium because helium is rebel, but they are all nonreactive including helium.

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Yes, they are all noble gases.

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Inert gases have 8 valence electrons. This is why they are inert, they have a complete octet formed of electrons and are in their lowest energy configuration.

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Helium is a Noble Gas in Group O.

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All noble gases except helium have this?

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Noble Gases