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Well It depends on what religion you comes from. From the cathlic point of view it is wrong since God wants us to worship him. It is even said in The Bible that he is a jealuse God. For us we see it as wrong. For our God has told us not to do. Also for one things as a cathlic we do not worship Mary, or the saint. We pray to them so asking them to pray for and to intercede for us we honor her and them, but thats not the same as worshiping. I hope you like this answer

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Q: Why is idolatry considered a problem?
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What does idolatary mean?

Idolatry is the worship of an idol or a false god, usually in the form of a statue. Idolatry is considered a sin in several world religions because it gives god-like honor to objects.

Is prayer to saints idolatry?

Prayer to saints is not considered idolatry in the Catholic and Orthodox Christian traditions, as it is seen as asking for their intercession and help in communicating with God. Saints are revered as exemplary Christians who can serve as role models and inspire believers in their faith.

What is a sentence with idolatry?

AnswerThe present religious practices of worshiping statues as gods is an idolatry"Idolatry" is a noun defined as the worship of idols. An example of the word "idolatry" in a sentence is "The Druids were condemned for their idolatry."

What does idolatry mean?

Idolatry is the worship of 'idols' or false gods.

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Idolatry was outlawed by the church.

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No, Catholics do not commit idolatry. Catholics worship only God.

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YES. Generally speaking, depictions of humans or animals in Islamic Art was seen as idolatry. While this was not consistently applied, and as a result we have numerous Islamic representations of animals, as a general rule, it is correct.

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Is the worship of a 'holy' book not considered idolatry?

Worshipping a holy book itself would be considered idolatry by some religious traditions, as worship should be directed towards a higher power or deity rather than an object. However, many faiths view their holy texts as sacred and divinely inspired, meant to guide and instruct rather than to be worshipped in themselves.

Is studying for exams a form of idolatry?

Of course not. Jesus went to the Temple and as a young Jewish boy He would have been taught there by the Rabbis. Do you not think He studied? Idolatry is making something more important than God, or putting it in the place of God. If you are doing that, then it is idolatry. But simply studying is not idolatry.