

Why is Ireland so Catholic when England is so Protestant?

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Yessenia Breitenberg

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Q: Why is Ireland so Catholic when England is so Protestant?
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Why is king billy so important to the protestant faith in Ireland?

He led the forces as a protestant King against King James, who was Catholic, at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. The battle took place in Ireland. He won the battle, establishing himself as the king of England.

Who wanted to make England Catholic?

The first churches in Britain (and Ireland) were not connected to Rome, they were independent, and known as the 'Celtic' churches. Then in 597AD, the Roman Catholic church sent a monk called Augustine (not the famous Augustine of Hippo) who began to spread the Roman Catholic influence. Eventually the Celtic Churches agreed to follow Roman customs. So the Church of England was Roman Catholic until the time of Henry VIII, when it broke away during the Protestant Reformation. The Catholics have always wanted England to return to Roman Catholicism, and this almost happened during the reign of Queen Mary, Henry VIII's daughter - she was a Catholic and had many Protestant leaders burned at the stake. But she was succeeded by her sister Queen Elizabeth I, who was a Protestant, and the Church of England has been Protestant ever since. Eventually the Roman Catholic church realised it could not win the Church of England back, so it started planting new Catholic churches in England. So there are now churches, ministers, cathedrals and bishops of both denominations.

What side of Ireland was christian?

The Republic of Ireland is predominantly Catholic. Northern Ireland is mainly Protestant. Both Catholics and Protestants are Christian. So it cannot be said that any side of Ireland is Christian and another isn't.

Why did religion cause disagreements between Ireland and British?

The Brits are Protestant and the Irish are Catholic. The British formed the Anglican Church of England and especially when Cromwell invaded Ireland and attempted a genocide of the Catholic Irish, these religious differences caused problems that have lasted between the two. The British took all of the land of the Catholics in Ireland and gave it to Protestants, which you can still see today (its called Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK).

Was Charles the first a catholic?

Charles 2nd was a Protestant his entire life, however the population of England was Protestant, meaning he had to be Protestant otherwise he would get the chop. His wife however was a Catholic which was a bit unpopular. Some rumours have it, that Charles 2nd converted to Catholic on his deathbed, and had a Catholic priest to do so, his wife was a witness.

What was a result of the Protestant Reformation?

A lessening of the power of the Catholic Church.Another answerHenry the 8th changed and took over the Catholic church in England, changing it to Protestant in order to divorce and remarry until he received what he wanted. Most of the country became Protestant. Henry started off as a very strong Catholic and ended up as a Protestant but still liked the catholic ways. After his death, Edward was a Protestant in order to be king. Mary was a strong Catholic and so wanted to change the country back to being Catholic, but there was no point as Elizabeth was a strong Protestant and so would change it all back again.

Was Henry IIIV Catholic or protestant?

Henry was christened Catholic but when the church refused him a divorce from Catherine of Aragon so he could marry Anne Boleyn, he fought it and was excommunicated for his formation of the Church of England so he and England became Protestant except for a few hold-outs who were persecuted for the few Tudor reigns.

What ended the Catholic protestant fighting in Northern Ireland?

As of spring 2014, I'm not really sure that it has ended so much as significantly toned down.

Was England under the Catholic rule after the 1600s?

John Milton, wrote paradise lost in this same time period during the 1600's and his writing was actually very tuned to a protestant audience. It was regarded highly in England because the population was mainly Protestant. So no, I don't believe that England was under Catholic rule after the 1600's

Was Charles a Catholic or a Protestant?

He was a Protestant. His wife was Catholic. Many people accused him of being a catholic because he wore extravagant clothing and Catholics were known to like extravagant things.

Why did Queen Elizabeth 1 invent the middle way?

Because she was sick and tired (and so were the people of England) of how the country had been previously changed so many times from Catholic to Protestant and Protestant to Catholic and she wanted to make it sort of equal so that it pleases both the Catholics and the Protestants.

Why is ther a North Ireland and Ireland?

The Republic of Ireland (Ireland) broke away from the U.K because of Catholic beliefs. U.K. is Protestant and so is Northern Ireland. Long story short, England wanted to take over Ireland so that they would have more land,but the Irish rebelled and started a war(I think you could call it that.) .Some people were for it, some people weren't.the north of Ireland was then ruled under British law. People are still unhappy about this,and are still divided because of this. I hope this helps :)