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It is a Minhag (Tradition) that the woman of the house lights the Shabbat candles. (The reason for this is mentioned in the Talmud, that says that this is a Tikun (a correction, an amendment) to the "original sin" of Hava (Eve))

According to many Poskim (Rabbis) this act is a declaration of Kabbalat Shabbat (Welcoming the Shabbat) and thus the woman is usually the first to start the shabbat.

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It depends where you are, as the time of Shabbat depends on the time the sun sets. Chabad has a very useful online Shabbat calculator that allows you to enter your exact location and will then work out the time of Shabbat, Shabbat candle lighting and other important times for you. You can also visit the related link which will automatically find what time shabbat begins in your location.

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Shabbat is the 7th day of the week, the day on which God rested (Genesis ch.2). Shabbat starts Friday at sundown and ends Saturday after twilight. It's the Jewish day of rest.answerShabbat is the Jewish rest day - Just like the Christian Sunday. The Shabbat day is on Saturday.

What day is the Jewish holy day?

Shabbat which starts Friday at sundown and ends Saturday after twilight.

Celebrating Shabbat in Britain?

It doesn't matter where you are - the rules are always the same.

How do you tell a woman that you would love to prepare a delightful Shabbat meal with you and for you in Hebrew?

ani rotseh leh ha cheen lach aruchat Shabbat na'ima bishvilech

How do you respond if someone says Shabbat shalom?

The most polite response would be to wish the person a "Shabbat shalom" in return. It's like wishing someone a nice weekend.

Why does a woman perform the sabbath celebration?

The Shabbat is observed by all Jews, both men and women. However, it is the women who traditionally light the Shabbat-candles. See also the Related Links.Link: Why do women light the Shabbat candles?Link: Women and the lighting of the candles