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Because the distance to the Sun is quite secondary in this case. What really matters is how high the Sun is in the sky, and how long - and in the northern hemisphere, the Sun is quite a bit lower in the sky at the winter equinox, and days are quite a bit shorter.

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Q: Why is it cold in the north hemisphere during winter if the sun is closer?
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They can migrate to different regions. The birds in the Northern hemisphere go south during winter. The birds in the Southern hemisphere go north during winter. They migrate towards the equator.

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For the northern hemisphere: During the summer solstice, the Sun is as far north as she can get. During the winter solstice, the Sun is as far south as she can get. For the souther hemisphere it is the other way round.

At which of these times would the north pole be titled toward the sun?

If you live in the northern hemisphere, Summer. If you live in the southern hemisphere, Winter. To be perhaps a little overly picky, at the moment that the north pole is pointing most directly toward the sun, it is the very end of northern spring, and the very beginning of norther summer. In the south, it is the end of autumn, and the beginning of winter.

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Since Texas is in the Northern Hemisphere, it is closer to the North pole.

What is the hemisphere is tilted toward the sun during the winter solstice?

Assuming the observer is in the North, then the southern hemisphere would be tilted towards the sun during the Winter Solstice in December. However, for observers in the Southern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice would occur in June, and the northern hemisphere would be tilted towards the sun.

What is true when the nothern half of earth is tilted toward the sun?

In that case, it is basically summer in the northern hemisphere, and winter in the southern hemisphere.In that case, it is basically summer in the northern hemisphere, and winter in the southern hemisphere.In that case, it is basically summer in the northern hemisphere, and winter in the southern hemisphere.In that case, it is basically summer in the northern hemisphere, and winter in the southern hemisphere.

What season is it when the North Pole is tilted almost directly toward the sun on June 21?

In June, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth. So I'd assume that the Northern Hemisphere is closer to the Sun at that time, and that would probably occur because the North Pole is tilted towards the Sun during June. In fact, the Summer Solstice is in the middle of June somewhere.

When it is summer in North America what season is it in Australia?

When it is Fall (or Autumn) in the northern hemisphere, it is Spring in the southern hemisphere.

Where is Orion's Belt?

Orion's Belt is three stars in the constellation Orion. It is visible in the north hemisphere during the winter.

What does it mean when the sun is furthest north during the summer?

That's the time of the June solstice, which is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere.

Is the US closer to North Pole or south pole?

The US is completely in the northern hemisphere. Every place in the northern hemisphere is closer to the north pole than it is to the south pole.