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malaria is in fact a plasmodium parasite. These are microscopic organisms called protist. Malaria is an extremely infectious, or communicable, disease. It destroys the red blood cells in your body as they are the reproduction factories of the parasite.

Malaria is a very dangerous disease, killing between one and three million people a year, mostly children. Most Malaria cases, however, occur in sub-Saharan Africa.

The malaria parasite is spread by the Anopheles Mosquito, which is the only mospuito that can transmit the disease. The Anopheles Mosquito is one of the targets of spraying, along with other mosqitos, mainly ones carrying the West Nile virus.

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That's a kind of mosquito that spreads malaria. Mosquitoes are the cause of malaria.

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What types of mosquitoes are in the Caribbean?

The types of mosquitoes in the Caribbean are the Anopheles. These types of insects cause Malaria. Malaria will kill you.

Why was ddt used in borneo?

To kill mosquitoes to stop the deadly disease called malaria from spreading

Cant you kill the malaria mosquitoes?

They are fairly normal mosquitoes except for the fact that they carry malaria. You can kill any one of them in all the normal ways (insecticides, swatting etc). In malaria prone regions some attempts at disease reduction are often undertaken by using pesticides to reduce the mosquito population. This is somewhat effective but, unfortunately, probably never will succeed in completely eradicating the mosquito and with them malaria. The mosquitoes tend to develop resistance to the pesticides (so they no longer work) and there are just too many of them in hard to reach places for that to be successful

What does malaria do to the host?

Malaria is a disease which involves a parasitic organism (a type of paramecium) that lives inside mosquitoes for part of its life-cycle and inside human beings for another part of its life-cycle; it is the mosquitoes and the human beings which are serving as host organisms to the parasite. So no, malaria is not a host.

Causes of resurgence of malaria in India?

Malaria parasites become resistant to drugs used to treat them. Also the mosquitoes which carry the parasites also become resistant to insecticide drugs which are used to kill them. This process is occurring in malaria hotspots worldwide.

Can a person with malaria control it by changing some of his or her daily habits?

That is not possible. It may take up to six months to develop the immunity. Falciparum malaria will kill you very shortly. You have to take treatment for malaria.

Can mosquitoes kill?

if you are allergic to mosquitoes

Does vinegar kill mosquitoes?

No, vinegar will not actually kill mosquitoes. However, it will keep mosquitoes away. This is because mosquitoes are not attracted to the vinegar smell, therefore, they are deterred.

What is the effect of DDT on malaria?

The effect was that when it was used many mosquitoes were killed reducing the amount of DDT contracted the problem was the nature of the DDTbeing a poison that had badeffects.Here is a bit of history. In WW2 our soldiers stationed in the Pacific Islands were sprayed with DDT to prevent malaria. Now, many of these men are dying of cancer. As my dad was dying of cancer ( he served in the Pacific in the Army in WW2) I asked his doctor if there was a relationship between the cancer and the DDT. He stated that there probably was. So, not only did this kill the mosquitoes, stay in the environment to affect animals, but it probably hurt the men who were around it and sprayed down as well.

People say malaria is common disease with mosquitoes and you have been bitten a lot Are you just lucky you haven't gotten malaria?

Mosquitoes must bite an infected human and eat the infected human's blood, before that mosquito can then bite an uninfected human and transfer the disease. Malaria is common in some areas of the world but much less common in the USA, Canada, and eastern overseas countries like the UK, Ireland, Spain, etc. In the developed countries, we also have more access to medications to treat illness, as well as more access to chemicals to kill mosquitoes.

How do you reduce malaria?

Malaria was common in most of the developed countries. They erradicated the mosquitoes, by eliminating the breeding places of mosquitoes. ( Human longevity was increased long, 100 years, before the advent of modern chemotherapy, there.) For that simple method of closed drainage system is required. ( They had it in Harrapan culture.) On stagnant water a thin layer of rock oil or kerosine will kill the larvae of mosquitoes. As they come to surface for breathing. People can be cleared of malaria from liver by radical mass scale treatment. ( A patient developed malaria in USA, after 20 years of visiting endemic zone.) Promt treatment of malaria patint and confining him in mosquito net or sceened house will stop the spread of disease. For that feeling of patreotism is required. (As well as foresight.)

Is DDT in the fruit the US imports from Mexico?

No. DDT was phased out in Mexico since 2002, with other EPA-approved chemicals used both as insecticides as well as to kill Malaria-transmitting mosquitoes.