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Rational people can disagree over what rights a person may have. Additionally, some rights come directly into conflict. The Right to Free Speech directly goes against the Right of Reputation. Absolute Property Rights directly go against Welfare Rights. Finally, like all natural sciences that came out of the Enlightenment, they need to be refined and reexamined. Unlike religious law, they are not to be accepted as they are immediately.

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Q: Why is it hard to say or define what Human Rights are?
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What did the declaration of human rights say?

The declaration stated that all people have certain human rights that should be respected by ''all peoples and all nations.''

Where does human rights come from?

Mostly the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. Those who are people of faith say from God's gift of the Ten Commandments

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consider using inclusive language in your question. You could say - "the rights of citizens" - which for many would include women, men & children - or say "human rights" What are the roles of government and the individual in the declaration of the human rights?

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You say 'derechos humanos' or 'derechos por la humanidad'

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it would be hard to say what we think or feel

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please name of country! I cant say it is US but the law of human rights is the one that is counting in most countryes

What are the pros and cons of sovereignty?

A con is that it can abuse human rights pro is that the state is independent and people have a say .

What is john Locke's beliefs about human rights as natural rights?

The declaration of independence john Locke believed that human beings were born with certain divine rights, the right to live, the right to liberty, the right to good health etc. he argued that these rights alone, the "natural rights", are soley capable of maintaining a harmonious society. he argued that the presence of a ruler to carry out "human rights" is uncalled for as human beings, through rationality and instinct already now them. a sovereign, he pointed out, limits human liberty (one of our natural rights) while performing a pseudo-enforcement of human rights and so absolute democracy (some may say anarchy) would be better off for other words Locke believed human beings are perfectly capable of governing themselves as the respect for human rights is innate and so is natural.

Did John Stuart Mill define freedom using rights theory?

Short answer: Yes, But. I would say that his theory of moral rights is based around Utilitarianism (i.e. what is right = what brings about Utility and thus greatest happiness.) They aren't rights in a natural sense. Try

Do human rights change over time?

Yes,indeed they do.If we compare the generation of today with the era long buried,we could say the awareness of human rights has highly geared up and futhermore,the wave of technology has advanced further.

What does the universal declaration of human rights say about the freedom of press?

The Declaration of Human Rights is very clear about freedom of the press. It specifically states that all people have the right to access to a free press. That press, however, does not necessarily have to be truthful or accurate.