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the reason one needs to remove metal from one's hands(including fingers or wrist area) is that a circuit can be made if the metal comes in contact with the circuit parts. if this happens, a circuit could be made through the jewelry and the jewelry would then be carrying voltage and/or current which of course, would be attached to the person wearing it! This would be a short circuit causing damage to the circuit, and also to the person wearing the watch out!

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Q: Why is it important for us to remove the metal jewelry matches ring before working on electric circuit?
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What will happen to the circuit if the power supply is change from AC to DC?

This depends on the circuit in question. If the circuit only has resistors and maybe incandescent light bulbs, then with an equvalent RMS voltage of AC, to the previous DC, the circuit will behave almost the same. If the circuit has components such as capacitors and inductors, then the current will be shifted to flow at a waveform which no longer matches the voltage waveform. If you're talking about a circuit which was designed to run on a 12 volt battery, then you go and plug it into the wall, it will probably break, as the equivalent voltage causes a much higher current than these components were designed to handle.

What are series circuits?

A series circuit is one that is hooked up one component after another. Think of a baseball club holding hands. A paralell circuit is one in which the components are hooked up while sharing connection points. - Think of a marching squad coming at you all at once.

Difference between top down and bottom up parsing in compiler design?

Bottom-up parsingThis approach is not unlike solving a jigsaw puzzle. We start at the bottom of the parse tree with individual characters. We then use the rules to connect the characters together into larger tokens as we go. At the end of the string, everything should have been combined into a single big S, and S should be the only thing we have left. If not, it's necessary to backtrack and try combining tokens in different ways.With bottom-up parsing, we typically maintain a stack, which is the list of characters and tokens we've seen so far. At each step, the stack is "reduced" as far as possible by combining characters into larger tokens.Top-down parsingFor this approach we assume that the string matches S and look at the internal logical implications of this assumption. For example, the fact that the string matchesSlogically implies that either (1) the string matches xyz or (2) the string matchesaBC. If we know that (1) is not true, then (2) must be true. But (2) has its own further logical implications. These must be examined as far as necessary to prove the base assertion.ExampleString is acddf.Steps· Assertion 1: acddf matches SoAssertion 2: acddf matches xyz:oAssertion is false. Try another.oAssertion 2: acddf matches aBC i.e. cddf matches BC:Assertion 3: cddf matches cC i.e. ddf matches C:§ Assertion 4: ddf matches eg:§ False.§ Assertion 4: ddf matches df:§ False.Assertion 3 is false. Try another.Assertion 3: cddf matches cdC i.e. df matches C:§ Assertion 4: df matches eg:§ False.§ Assertion 4: df matches df:§ Assertion 4 is true.Assertion 3 is true.oAssertion 2 is true.· Assertion 1 is true. Success!Parse treesS|S/|\a B C| |S/|\a B C| |cS/|\a B C/| |c dS/|\a B C/| |\c d d f

Write a program for a matchstick game being played between the computer and a user What if your program should ensure that the computer always wins using c plus plus?

The following example demonstrates a simple implementation using 15 matches where you take turns removing 1, 2 or 3 matches. The player who removes the last match loses. In order to ensure the computer always wins, the computer must always play first. In the example, the player always starts but unless the player knows the secret, the computer will always win. #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> unsigned ask(unsigned max=3) { int choice = 0; do { choice = getch() - '0'; if (choice<0 choice>max) choice=0; else { std::cout<<choice<<'\n'<<std::endl; break; } } while (!choice); return ((unsigned)choice); } bool yn() { int choice = 0; bool result = false; while(1) { choice = getch(); if (choice=='y' choice=='Y') { result = true; break; } if (choice=='n' choice=='N') { result = false; break; } } std::cout<<(char)choice<<'\n'<<std::endl; return (result); } int main() { unsigned start = 15; unsigned matches = start; bool player = true; // set to false so computer always starts unsigned take = 0; while (1) { std::cout<<"There "<<(matches==1?"is":"are")<<" "<<matches<<" match"<<(matches==1?"":"es")<<" remaining.\n"<<std::endl; if( matches <= 1 ) { if ((player && matches == 1) (!player && !matches)) std::cout<<"You lose!\n"<<std::endl; else std::cout<<"You win!\n"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Would you like to play again? "; if (!yn()) break; else { matches = start; continue; } } if( player ) // player's turn { std::cout<<"Would you like to take 1"; if( matches>2 ) { std::cout<<", 2 or 3 matches? "; take = ask( 3 ); } else { std::cout<<"or 2 matches? "; take = ask( 2 ); } } else // computer's turn { take = (matches-1)%4; if( !take ) take = rand()%3+1; std::cout<<"I will take "<<take<<" matches.\n"<<std::endl; } matches -= take; player = !player; // toggle player } }

What 802.11 standard has an indoor range of 100 meters?

802.11N most closely matches this description.

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