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Jesus was crucified by the Jews with the permission of the Roman government. But, through our constant denial of Him we also crucified Him.


The Pope himself says that the Jews did not kill Jesus. See the attached Related Link.

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Ok but the Jews are nice to Jesus because aren’t they friends

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Q: Why is it important to know that Jesus was not killed by the Jews?
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I doubt that the ethnicity and religious allegiance of those killed in the Sept 11th attacks has been seriouusly collated. In the several thousand killed there would have been some Jews, as there would have been Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc and people of no religion. It is not important to know the exact proportion of allegiances of those killed, the important thing is to work to avoid the sort of hatred that triggered the attacks.

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to Herod (Luke 23:7 )

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In the time of Jesus, male children usually helped their fathers in the family business, which in this case was carpentry.Need to know if you mean jews (jewish people) or Jesus. Ask again & specify.

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we never actually know who goes to heaven, however we do know jesus was the king of the jews, so there is some corilation there