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Windows can easily break even in a weak tornado and send broken glass flying through the air. Windows also offer no protection against debris carried or thrown by a tornado. Most deaths and injuries from tornadoes are the result of flying or falling debris.

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Q: Why is it important to stay away from windows during a tornado?
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Why should you stay away from windows during a tornado?

Windows can break even in weak tornado, creating flying shards of glass. Windows also offer no protection from flying debris, which is the greatest danger in a tornado.

Where is the best place to be if you are in a school during a tornado?

An interior bathroom or hallway away from windows.

What is the safest corner of the room during a tornado?

There is no safest corner of a room. The best place to be in a tornado is in the center part of a building away from windows.

Where is the safest place in a home during a tornado if you do have a basement?

A closet away from windows or go to your neighbhors if they have a basement.

What if a tornado hits a ship?

The safest place on a ship during a tornado (or waterspout as they are called on a body of water) would be an interior room in the ship away from windows.

How can you be safe in an apartment during a tornado?

Head to the lowest floor of the apartment building, preferably a basement if possible. Stay away from windows.

Where in the basement do you go during a tornado?

You would go to the most sheltered area of the basement, away from any windows or outside doors.

What to do when a tornado strikes?

hide in your basement and stay away from windows

Where do you go during a tornado when your at the store?

If you're in such a shopping center and there is a tornado head for the bathroom, crouch down in a corner, and cover your head.

Why are tornado warnings helpful?

they tell you to get ready for the tornado be safe get away from windows, etc! They help u be ssafe

Where should you go in a store during a tornado?

Usually the best place to go is the back of the store, away from windows. If there is a bathroom or storage room go there.

Where is the safest place to be during a thunderstorm a tornado and a hurricane?

If a tornado threatens go to you basement or the center part of you house away from windows. Thunderstorms usually pose a less serious threat, though it is still a good idea to avoid windows. In a hurricane you should stay away from windows and be prepared to move to a higher floor. The number 1 killer in a hurricane is flooding.