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When something makes a sound, it vibrates the air, water, or whatever medium it is produced in creating sound waves. Space is a vacuum which means there is no air. Space is truly empty, so there is no medium for the waves to travel though.

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12y ago
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9y ago

Sound travels through space, so it's a misleading question.

Per NASA itself.

"Q. Is there really sound in space?

A. Actually...yes!!

What is sound? It is a pressure wave. So long as you have some kind of gaseous medium, you will have the possibility of forming pressure waves in it by "shocking" it in some way. In space, the interplanetary medium is a very dilute gas at a density of about 10 atoms per cubic centimeter, and the speed of sound in this medium is about 300 kilometers per second. Typical disturbances due to solar storms and "magneto-sonic turbulence" at the Earth's magnetopause have scales of hundreds of kilometers, so the acoustic wavelengths are enormous. Human ears would never hear them, but we can technologically detect these pressure changes and play them back for our ears to hear by electronically compressing them."

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15y ago

Because there is no medium for the propagation of the waves

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