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Pure water does not contain any electrolytes to carry electrons where as salt water contains the same to carry electrons -movement of electrons is electrical current

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Q: Why is it possible to run an electrical current through salt water and not pure water?
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How far can electrical current travel through a body of water?

There is no length because as long as it is a conductor an electrical current can go through

What does the process of electrolysis of water mean?

The separation of oxygen and hydrogen from water due to an electrical current passing through the water.

Can water be broken down by chemical?

Water can be broken down by the chemical process called electrolysis. An electrical current is passed through water with an electrolyte added to it. The electrical current breaks down the water into hydrogen and oxygen gas that bubble up from the electrodes in the water.

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The carbon rods have electrical resistance. Thisi causes them to heat when current is passed through them. The water gets heated by the carbon rods.

Can water be an electrical conductor using direct current?

Water can conduct current, but not as efficiently as a copper wire. There are some applications where a small current is used to sense the level of water through a conductor in an insulated container.

How do you get electicuted?

Touching live wiresTouching water with an electrical current running through ithaving wet hands and putting your finger in an electrical socketTouching the wires of a pylonSticking a metal object in an electrical socketBeing struck by a bolt of lightning obviously.Having faulty electrical equipmentYou are electrocuted because the electrical current can pass through whatever body part touched the electric, the current passes through your body frying your nerves. Your body is a conductor meaning it will let electrical currents pass through and that's how you get electrocutedhope this answers your question

When an electrical current passes through water what takes place breaking down the compound into hydrogen and oxygen?

A Chemical Change :)

What is the difference between a volt and an amp?

Liken volt and amp to a water in a pipe. Voltage is the water pressure in the pipe and amperage is the water flow through the pipe. They are two completely different electrical units.

When you run an electrical current through liquid water the water molecules are split apart to form oxygen and hydrogen gas this changed what properties of the water?

It changed the chemical formula of the water.

How do you separate the hydrogen from the oxygen in water?

You pass an electrical current through the water. The positive electrode will release oxygen while the negative electrode will release hydrogen.

What is salinity measure in?

Two methods to measure salinity are through electrical conductivity and the total dissolving salts (TDS). Measuring the electrical conductivity involves passing a current through a water-salt sample and seeing how much current flow through it. The TDS method requires that of water-salt sample be allowed to dry through evaporation so that the resulting weight of the solid salt residue that is left can be measured.

How do you make hydrogen from salt water?

You need to electrolyse it. Hydrogen will be produced at the cathode.