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Its rare for a man to have a vagina

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Q: Why is it rare for a person without AIDS to show symptoms of Kaposi's sarcoma or thrush?
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What is a type of sarcoma that AIDS patients develop?

It is Kaposi's Sarcoma. The viruses for this form of cancer are normally carried by many people. It is only when the immune system is weakened, as in AIDS, that the person develops Kaposi's Sarcoma.

Can HIV cause Kaposi's Sarcoma?

Kaposi's Sarcoma and AIDS result from two different viruses, but the development of Kaposi's Sarcoma can precede the progression of HIV to AIDS. The HIV virus attacks a person's immune system, and a weakened immune system makes it likely that a person already infected with the Kaposi virus will develop Kaposi's Sarcoma. The type of severe weakening of the immune system that allows the development of Kaposi's Sarcoma is also what causes HIV to develop into AIDS.

What is chlamydia screening?

Chlamydia screening means testing for chlamydia in a person without symptoms.

Where does meningococcemia first colonize in the body?

The bacteria, which can spread from person to person, usually first causes a colonization in the upper airway, but without symptoms.

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What are asymptomatic carriers?

Asymptomatic means 'without symptoms. So 'asymptomatic carrier' means a person who carries an infection without having any symptoms. As an example, men often 'carry' yeast in the urethra and on the penis, but do not show symptoms. However, an affected man can pass yeast to a sexual partner.

What infections are common in AIDS patients?

AIDS patients are susceptible to a variety of infections, commonly known as opportunitistic infections. They are so named because the infections take advantage of a person's weakened immune system to strike.Among the most common infections are:Kaposi's SarcomaPneumocystis carinii pneumoniaOral thrushHerpes

Can a person have Huntington's Disease without showing any symptoms?

Absolutely. Huntington's disease does not reveal symptoms until ages 30-40 in most cases, so you could live half your life without knowing you had it, unless your doctor told you.

How does H1N1 effect in human being?

It causes extreme paranoia without even having to infect the person. other symptoms include, more stupidity, thinking it is a big issue, fear, panic. all without infection. after infection you get the same symptoms as the normal flu

What is a symptomatic disease?

Symptomatic means the person experiences symptoms. Asymptomatic means the person felt no symptoms.

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The signs/symptoms are in the question itself... the person is apneic and has no pulse.

What symptoms does a manic bipolar person have?

As with all mental illnesses, the symptoms of bipolar mania can vary from person to person. Some common symptoms of mania include high energy, sleeplessness, and euphoria.