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That depends on the directionality of our pinna (ear cup) which is front localisation.

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Q: Why is it that humans hear noises better when the noises are in front of them?
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Is it true that dogs can hear better than humans?

Yes, it's true. They can hear noises from a mile away.

Can old dogs hear high pitched noises better than low pitch noises?

They hear many noises other then high pitched ones but they can hear the higher ones because of the way their ear drums are built

Can animals hear sounds that humans can't hear?

yes, animals hear thousands of high pitched noises that we cant hear at all. hope this helps :)

Why can dogs hear better then humans?


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they can hear, see and smell better than humans

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with there huge ears of course elephants can hear better than humans.

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You will hear most noises you hear anywhere else mixed with unique Paraguayan indigenous noises

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they hear noises

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Yes, they do have good hearing. They can hear better than humans.

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Wolves can hear better than humans.

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What haunted word begins with the letter e?

"Electronic Voice Phenomena" refers to noises that humans can not hear but are recorded by electronic devices.