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it is imptotant becauses kuz occures and then it helps heal the mumike

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10y ago

mitosis is vital for organisms because it repair and damage the cell

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Q: Why mitosis is important for eukaryotic organisms?
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How is binary fission prokaryotic organisms similar to and different from mitosis and cytokinesis in single-celled eukaryotic organisms?

In what way does prokaryotic fission resemble eukaryotic mitosis?

What do muticellul ar organisms use mitosis for?

Mitosis is cell division in eukaryotic cells. They use them to reproduce.

Do eukaryotic cells undergo mitosis?

Your cells die frequently. In order to replenish this loss, cells must replicate themselves.

In which group of eukaryotic organisms does the nuclear envelope remain intact during mitosis?

dinoflagellets and diatoms only

What type of Cell carries out mitosis and meiosis?

These multicellular and some unicellular organisms are termed Eukaryotic Cells.

How is binary fission in prokaryotic organisms similar to and different from mitosis and cytokinesis in eukaryotic organisms?

it is the sexual reproduction while in the cell mitosis happens... the proteins find cells and pair them with sexual reproduction!AAHHH

What organism uses mitosis to reproduce?

bacteria and amoebaBacteria reproduce by fission.Mitosis is involved in single celled eukariyotic organisms

How do the majority of eukaryotic organisms reproduce?

Majority of eukaryotes undergo meiosis for sexual reproduction.But some undergo mitosis for asexual reproduction.

What types of organisims grow or reproduce by meosis and mitosis?

I have no clue that is why I asked you. Haha

Is a animal prokaryote?

Animals are not prokaryotes.They are eukaryotic organisms.

What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms?

Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and other membranebound organells, while prokaryotic cells don't

New eukaryotic cells are produced by?

Old eukaryotic cells via mitosis.