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Your ex is trying so hard to get back with you after 2 years probably because he/she realized how much you really mean to him/her.

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Q: Why is my ex trying so hard to get back with me After 2 years?
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well dont let her

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he cant really like you if he is your ex he will be trying to get back with you then

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It depends on whether or not he's with someone else. If you're a guy trying to get an ex back look up 'How to get a girl to like you?' and if you're a girl trying to get an ex back look up 'How to get a guy to like you?' Very accurate answers!

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let him if you like him its good to you

Is your ex boyfriend trying to make you jealous with his ex girl friend?

He might be trying to make you jealous, but he may also just want his ex- girlfriend back. In this case, usually your ex- boyfriend can try to make you jealous which can mean he wants you back and by making you jealous you will come back to him, or it can also mean he is trying to show you how much you need him, but you can't have him. The real answer is, no body can know other the the ex- boyfriend himself.

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you tell her "stop trying to get your ex back, its never going to happen."

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It really depends on you do you want to get back together with him?

If a guy just broke up with his girlfriend and he is trying to get with you but then is trying to go back with his ex can should you do?

Turn him down hard core. ignore him hes not worth it, he is what we call a player and uses women/ girls and doesnt care about their feelings.

How do you get your ex-girlfriend back if you and her ex are trying to get back with her?

If you are indeed keen on getting your ex girlfriend back, even if her ex boyfriend want her back, what you can do to make sure that he will choose you is make her see your best foot forward. Show her how better you are over her ex, how happy you can become if she decided to come back to you and how things will be better now.

What does it mean when your ex of a 3 years relationship stare at your rump while talking to his fake girlfriend Does he still have feelings or want you back?

he Amy just be trying to get you back but it sounds like he really does have feelings for you and wants you back