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No, you don't get your period if you are pregnant.

Answer 3: (reality)

it's just blood clotting.

Yes you can have a period when you are pregnant.

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Q: Why is my period blood dark brown and lumpy?
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Dark brown period blood what does it mean?

Dark brown period blood usually appears near the end of your period.

Is it normal to have very dark brown blood when you have your period because yesterday mine was rusty red now its dark brown?

Yes it is possible to have blood this colour.

Why is my period dark red brown and very lumpy its also not as heavy as usual?

i would like to know that too.. mine is like that as well. please help.

What is the color of your period?

well, period blood is usually a dark reddish brown colour. It depends on the individual.

What causes light bleeding during period with dark brownish red colour?

Dark, brown menstruation may be a sign that it is 'old' blood. Sometimes blood stays in the uterus for a few days before your period 'starts' could be because it is a light flow or that the cervical opening is very narrow making it difficult for the blood to exit. Light flows and dark blood could also occur because of dehydration.

What does it mean if your period blood is brown for the whole time you were on your period?

I'm pretty sure that's healthy, any where from red ish pink to dark brown is a normal color.

What does it mean when you start your period weeks early and its dark brown?

It is perfectly normal to start your period weeks early and its dark brown. You mostly start with dark brown when you start your period and it turns red.

Why do I only have brown discharge and no period?

That happend to me on my first i guessed it was just dry blood in my discharge

What does it mean when you have dark brown spotting after your period?

This is just normal spotting. Spotting is when small amounts of blood mix with discharge, dark brown just means the blood is taking time to leave the body and thus is going brown. There's no reason to think that this is anything unusual.

What could it mean if your period late is right but you discharged dark brown?

This could be a sign that you are pregnant. Missing a period is an early sign of pregnancy and often 'spotting' (dark brown, red or pink discharge) occurs around the time your period would normally occur. This is because the egg is attaching to the lining of the womb and can cause some of the blood vessels to rupture in the process. You should take a pregnancy test

What does it mean if you have dark brown blood when you cut your finger?

If you bleed dark brown blood when you cut your finger it means you are alive........ at least your body is.

What is dark brown dischange?

its brown stuff comming out of the front from your period