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There are hundreds of possible explanations for an itchy rash on your stomach without red bumps. See your health care provider next week if it hasn't gone away, or sooner if you have other symptoms.

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Q: Why is my skin itchy i have a rash on my stomach that's red no bumps what would this be?
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either something you are allergic to or something very hot like grease

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I don't know what it is but i think it would be best you go see a doctor... quick!

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It may look like hives. A red rash with tiny bumps that may or may not be itchy.

What do flea bites feel like on humans?

A person would have random small red raised itchy bumps on his skin that would resolve in 24-48 hours; new bumps would appear on a regular basis. Every bump is a single bite, so as new bumps show up this indicates new flea bites.

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Renting a smoothie machine and making the margaritas in that would be the easiest option. Contact United Rentals at

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If you really want to know what they are, go see a doctor. We can't diagnose you over the internet sight unseen with a vague description like "small itchy bumps". My guess would be flea (or some other small insect) bites, but that's just a guess.

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It's your foot getting eaten alive by fungus. Sorry you're going to have to get it cut off.

What if your chin is red and swollen and itchy with tiny bumps like pimple that leaks out fluid?

Im dealing with the same problem were they pimples before then you popped them and it turned all red, swollen, and itchy? im using HYDRCORTISONE CREAM and its kind of helping for now but i would go to a doctor they will give you something.

Can you shave your stomach or will it come back prickly?

You can shave it but you would be better off waxing it. It would be itchy when it grows back and if you wax it it will last longer and won't be so hard to remove the next time.

What is the best thing for hairy legs and arms aside from nair or veet?

for arms it would be waxing..for legs NO SHAVE ull get stuble and ingrown hair and bumps and itchy and the list goes on and on so i wud say WAX or nair pretty...