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Since geese fly in V formation to conserve energy by flying in the wake of the previous bird I believe that the longer arm of the V has less wind resistance and it therefore easier to fly in.

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Q: Why is one side of the v longer than the other when geese fly?
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When you see geese flying in a V formation why is it that one leg of the V is always longer than the other?

It's because theres more geese on that side.

What is a group geese is a?

Gaggle is the correct answer. A little humor here....When Canadian geese fly in their V shape, why is one part longer than the other? Answer is there a more geese on one side.. think about it....real silly, but fun for those of us with dry humor.

What is is a group of geese?

Gaggle is the correct answer. A little humor here....When Canadian geese fly in their V shape, why is one part longer than the other? Answer is there a more geese on one side.. think about it....real silly, but fun for those of us with dry humor.

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one side is not longer it just looks that way

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Isosceles triangle

What does the side-angle inequality theorem state?

In a triangle, if one side is longer than the other side, the angle opposite the longer side is the larger angle. It state that If one angle of a triangle is larger than another angle, then the side opposite the larger angle is longer than the side opposite the smaller angle.. I hope it will help in your study..... AJ

Why is one side of the v longer than the other when birds fly?

Simple aerodynamics: the shorter leg of the "V" is upwind & the longer side is downwind. Usually.

What are the requirements for the side lenghts of a triangle?

The length of each side is longer than the sum of the lengths of the other two sides.

Can you repel geese?

You can repel the geese by taking proactive steps other than reactive steps. Some of the proactive steps include removing some of your property that attracts the geese. You can remove your geese to a different location during winter and replace them with a different flock.

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Other than grass what do geese eat?

Insects, minnows...goodies from people; bread...

The perimeter of a triangle is 30 inches the first side of the triangle is 1 inch longer than the second side the second side is 7 inches longer than the third side what is the length of each side of?

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