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low-energy reactants are converted into high-energy products

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Q: Why is photosynthesis considered an endergonic reaction in an isolated plant?
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Why is photosynthesis an anabolic metabolic pathway?

Yes, photosynthesis is considered an anabloic reaction. Photosynthesis is also considered an endergonic reaction because it reduces carbon dioxide into glucose.

What kind of reaction is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a Endergonic/Endothermic reaction.

What types of reactions is photosynthesis?

endergonic reaction

Photosynthesis is an endergonic reaction. Why?

As opposed to an EX [as in expel] -ergonic chemical reaction, endergonic reactions absorb energy.

Is photosynthesis an exothermic or endothermic reaction?

Yes photosynthesis is a endergonic process i.e. energy-requiring process.

A chemical reaction such as photosynthesis that absorbs free energy?

Endergonic Reaction

Because it requires energy input what type of reaction is photosynthesis-?

Carbon dioxide is the reaction pf photosynthesis. This takes a lot of energy.

What is endergonic?

endergonic is a reaction under which energy is stored in a chemical reaction in which the standard change in free energy is positive, and energy is absorbed.yourwelcome.

Why are polymerization reactions endergonic?

As opposed to an EX [as in expel] -ergonic chemical reaction, endergonic reactions absorb energy.

What is the differences between exothermic reaction and endergonic reaction?

exothermic reaction releases energy and endergonic reaction absorbs energy

The reaction in photosynthesis can be endergonic or exergonic?

The energy balance for the overall reaction does not determine if the reaction needs energy input to occur, or not. The requirement, or not, for energy input, depends on the activation energy and that is independent of the overall enthalpy change. There is no answer to your question - it could be any, all or none.

What is the difference between exergonic and endergonic reaction?

Endergonic takes energy in to make a reaction. Exergonic releases energy when the reaction happens. An example of endergonic would be when plants use photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide and water molecules would be the reactants and when the plant absorbs energy like the sun, the turn it into sugar molecules that are high in energy. An example of an exergonic reaction would be wood burning. Heat and light is released.