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You can't take pictures of the effects of verbal abuse. Testimony of friends and therapists is not as strong a form of evidence since they were probably not present for the worst of the situation. Forcing any kind of abuser into counseling rarely works. It is sort of like the question, "how many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb?" and the answer is, "One, but he has to really want to." Physical abuse is much more dangerous (can leave broken bones, black eyes, split lip and bruising as evidence) and, physical abuse can also lead to murder. If a woman reports her physical abuse the police will have a female officer take photos of the marks on the victim's body as evidence. They will also take hospital reports of the victim being treated for physical abuse into a court of law. Mental abuse is in the control of most victims. The mental abuser often plays mind games and is miserable, but doesn't attack his victim physically. The victim does have the chance to leave their mental abuser and file for divorce. In many cases the lawyer can prove mental abuse. In fact, for years reasons for a divorce was "mental anquish" (the same thing as Mental Abuse.) I agree that Mental Abuse can be as damaging as physical abuse, but, it doesn't leave marks one can see like physical abuse does. Still, the victim has more freedom than a victim that is physically abused to leave the situation or to file for divorce, leaving the rest up to the lawyer. Marcy

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Q: Why is physical abuse the only thing that can force an abuser into counseling when many people consider emotional abuse just as bad?
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the victim or the abuser? emotional abuse cuts deeper than physical abuse. it has to do with manipulation. though emotional abuse and physical abuse ususally go hand in hand.

How can a potential abuser how can you get help?

Get into batterer counseling (even if its verbal/ emotional abuse) ASAP (NO Anger Management - that does NOTHING for abusers)

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I dont think an abuser loves himself so he cant love. I just left the man after 6 yrs of trying

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Get counseling. And think about a new job.

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Both of you are abusive to each other. You need counseling. Family counseling and anger management counseling.

Is your wife mentally abusing you by reporting you to the police as a physical abuser when you are not?

Maybe it will help if you define what a physical abuser is. I am not judging you, but your question leaves too many possibilities. If you define a physical abuser as a man that punches a woman more than once, then you do not consider yourself an abuser. However, this is denial to make yourself feel better. A physical abuser is a personn MAN or WOMAN that hits a person in any way more than once. Hitting includes, spitting on, chasing, cornering, towering over, throwing or threatning to throw an object, punching, grabbing, slapping, restraining. In addition, it is abuse if you threaten any of those actions. Emotional abuse usually comes before physical abuse. Emotional abuse includes yelling, swearing, belittling, name calling, gaslighting, headgames, forgetting, discarding, ignoring (silent treatment), gossiping, neglecting and many more forms. Please read about the cycle of abuse on google. You may be an abuser. If you want to keep your marriage intact its best you acknowledge this problem. Most women do not go and tell police they are abused by a husband if they are not. It takes a real man to admit he needs help and a useless one to continue to abuse a woman. If legal steps have already been taken, it is up to the police, a judge, and possibly a court appointed psychologist to make a determination of what is actually going on in the home between the couple. This is not to say that some people do not falsify claims of abuse--but in many cases, the abuser continues to deny his/her actions, even when there is clear evidence of physical abuse going on. This is not the time to worry about your wife's motives--if you are insistent on proving to the police and the court that you are not an abuser, I would suggest moving out of the marital residence, going to counseling, and looking for legal advice from a family law attorney. Do not contact your wife or any of her family, do not make threats of any kind.

What options does a victim have who is desperate to get their abuser into an abuser program but since the abuse is purely emotional it can't be court mandated?

In this case, you be the judge. Mental abuse is just the same as physical absuse. You might want to seek help or counseling to decide if this is a relationship you would like to continue. I used to be in a mentally abusive relationship, and sometimes I felt like I'd rather be hit than hear those harsh words. If you can relate, please think about it. I am so much more happy now that I am out of that relationship.

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not from my experience she just keeps on going.......

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You can't lead or make an emotional abuser do anything and that's why they are called "emotional abusers." They feel they are OK and everyone else is off base. They know what they are and they doubt themselves and this person has had plenty of time to get help, but doesn't obviously want it. The best thing you can do is leave!

What are the most feasible means in dealing with a drug abuser?

Often the best thing to do with a drug abuser is an intervention where those that love him or her tell them how the addiction is affecting them. Counseling or halfway houses are an option as well.