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The platypus IS oviparous. Along with the echidna, it is an egg-laying mammal. Any egg-laying animal is oviparous rather than viviparous, which means giving birth to young outside of the body.

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Q: Why is platypus not an oviparous animal even though it lays eggs?
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Why is a fish a oviparous animal?

Oviparous means that the animal lays eggs. Most fish lay eggs.

Is mosquito oviparous or viviparous animal?

Female and male Mosquitoes are oviparous animal because it lays 1000 eggs

What is the meaning of the word oviparous?

Oviparous describes an animal that lays eggs.

Is the duck an oviparous or viviparous animal?

oviparous: lay eggs, the 'ovi' part means egg

Is platypus a viviparous or oviparous?

No. Ovoviviparous means that the female produces eggs which hatch inside her body, meaning she actually gives live birth. Platypuses are oviparous, which is quite different from being ovoviviparous. They lay eggs, and incubate them for ten days.

Are bats possums platypus armadillos monkeys all oviparous?

The platypus is oviparous. Monkeys are not oviparous. Neither are opossums, which give birth to embryonic young. Bats and armadillos do not lay eggs, so they aren't oviparous either.

Is cow a animal oviparous or a herbivorous animal?

The terms oviparous and herbivorous mean two different things. "Oviparous" means that an animal is capable of laying eggs with little or no embryonic development in the mother. "Herbivorous" refers to animals that eat plants. So to answer your question, yes, a cow is an animal, but no she is not oviparous. She is a herbivore though.

Which animal lays eggs?

Birds, reptiles and fish lay eggs (although not all fish do). The platypus also lays eggs (it resembles a bird but is actually a mammal). animals like birds, fishes and reptiles lay eggs. These animals are collectively called oviparous animals.

What is is called when animals lay eggs?

An animal that lays eggs is oviparous.

Is a platypus half another animal?

No. The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is its own animal, though it has a 'beak' similar to a duck, a beaver-like tail, and lays eggs. The platypus is a mammal though, since it has milk secreations from the fur for its young.

What is the name for an animal that lays eggs?

Birds, ducks, chickens, snakes, crocodiles, platypus, echidna, penguin, frog, turtle, fish, bees, newts, ladybugs, moth, octopus, lizards, cockroaches. Feel free to add others I missed

Is mosquitoes oviparous animal or viviparous animals?

Female and male Mosquitoes are oviparous animal because it lays 1000 eggs