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Q: Why is pressure important in hydraulics?
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What is the difference between hydraulics and pnuematics?

Hydraulics are powered by liquids under pressure and pnuematics are powered by gasses, usually air, under pressure. Both liquids and gasses are fluids.

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Difference between meter in and meter out in hydraulics?

"in" and "out" are the direction of the pressure.

What does mpa in hydraulics mean?

Mega. Pascal. Shows the pressure in the hydraulic system.

What principle explains how hydraulics work?

The non-compressibility of liquids, and the equivalence of p = F/A (pressure equals force divided by area) explain why and how hydraulics work.

What is the best definition of margin pressure in hydraulics?

Margin pressure is a term used in Closed Center, Load Sense type systems in hydraulics. The term refers to the pressure difference between the pump outlet(valve inlet) and the valve tank pressure). The margin pressure is the way the valve signal to the pump it's status.

What is the difference between hydraulic and hydrostatic?

hydraulics uses the principle of hydrostatic pressure to work

What is the working principle of simple car jack?

basically simple hydraulics pressure displacement

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Do draw bridge uses hydraulic pressure?

yes, it does. hydraulics is what allows the bridge to open through the middle.