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Q: Why amphetamines are called speed?
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Related questions

What are uppers?

Its speed, like amphetamines

What drugs are amphetamines?

amphetamines are a class b drug in the UK currently (illegal to have, sell or give away) they are bassically "speed"

Street names for amphetamines?

Crank. Meth. Speed. Crystal.

What are other names for amphetamine?

Some slang terms for amphetamines are bennies, uppers, whiz, lid proppers, rippers, and speed. Amphetamines are drugs that are stimulants.

What are slang names for speed?

Speed IS a slang name. It means amphetamines. Click the related question to find more slang.

What opiates may show as amphetamines in testing?

None. I don't believe any type of prescription or illegal opiate would show amphetamines in a drug test, unless street opiates (ie heroin cut with speed possibly) would show amphetamines as speed in an amphetamine, but if it's prescription opiates in pill form there aren't any in production that will make you test positive for both opiates and amphetamines.

What is inside speed?

depends alot on location but generally its meth and a cocktail of other amphetamines

What word means prescription drugs that are sometimes sold illegally as 'speed' or 'uppers'?


What are cocaine-like drugs?

Speed (amphetamines and methamphetamines) produce a somewhat similar high.

How long will amphetamines be detected in a hair analysis drug test?

As long as you have the hair you had when you did the speed.

Are cocaine and speed the same thing?

Speed is another name for amphetamines, not for cocaine.

Drug that speeds up the body?

Amphetamines of any kind usually speed up the body. Things like Meth, Adderall, Ritalin, etc are all classified as types of Amphetamines.