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it makes me feel good :)

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Q: Why is spending money a good thing?
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When a country borrows money to pay yearly debt they are involved in this type of spending?

Deficit spending is the amount of spending is exceeding the amount of revenue. Government deficit is when a country borrows money to pay a yearly debt. This could be a good or bad thing depending on each situation.

Are home mortgages a good thing to get in the USA?

A home mortgage is good and bad. The good is that you usually have a home to live in for the money you are spending and you own it. If you cannot afford the monthly payments then it can be a bad thing to get since you will loose your home and your credit.

What would be anextravagant thing without spending any money?

Write a perform a song.

Is spending good for the economy?

Spending money is what defines an economy. If we were all self-sufficient, the economy would collapse.

What is the most fun thing to do without spending money?

Sex. Free in practice, as we all know there can be heavy spending involved getting there however.

Is it good to spend money?

No it isn't. Spending money on useless things are wasting your money. You should use your money wisely.

How can you get rich and famous?

Many (extremely hard) ways, but I doubt you ever will. Good luck anyway! Simply by working hard in your job, saving a lot of money, and minimizing the risk of spending money on unnecessary thing.

Saving and spending spree which one is good?

A spending spree is good for the businesses where you shop. If you are buying what you need and spending within your budget, it is good for you as well. Saving is usually a good thing but some people save too much and make their lives miserable.

Is revese mortgage, an good thing or a bad thing?

A reverse mortgage is neither a great thing or a horrible thing. It depends on how you use it. A reverse mortgage can be used to provide necessities and a basic monthly income for some, and it can be used in a bad way by older people spending money on them that they don't need and then come later in their life they don't have the money anymore.

What is it called when you get a discount after spending a certain amount of money at a store restaurant?

After spending so much money at a store you get back rewards or store bucks. Each store has their own thing and may call it something different.

Why aggregate spending decrease as the price level increases?

Because if a price level is higher for a good, aggregate spending will decrease as the level of the price increases. And vice versa - the cheaper a good is, OR the MORE that your money will buy, the more likely you are to spend that money.

How does spending extravagantly affect a person life?

It is said by Allah that, A person in Islam should never spend too much or very less. But right now we are talking about spending extravagantly. Spending extravagantly is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. firstly, it is not a bad thing because Allah said in the Quran ''Spend the money you have on your generation, on my people and I will give you more. Secondly, it is also written in the Quran that you should spend your money but not too much, spend it on the things you need or are necessary for your daily life. And give or donate the money to poor people and give Zakat, and i will give that money back in triple the time. For more info or for contacting me; Phone; 03455192222