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To form an active electrophile NO2+

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Q: Why is sulfuric acid used in aromatic nitration?
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xanthoproteic test is used to detect the presence of aromatic amino acid in this nitration of an benzee ring with nitric acid takes place.

Why direct nitration is used in picric acid?

in picric acid we cannot used direct nitration because of the phenol is very sensitive in oxidation of nitrate, to overcome this problem, we used a sulfuric acid added to phenol before the nitric acid. the reaction between NO2 and SO2 are reversible so the sulphate exchange with nitrate becoming tri nitrophenol

What is the reaction of benzene with HCl?

Nitration: H2SO4 C6H6 + HONO2 ---------> C6H5NO2 + H2O Nitric Acid Nitrobenzene Nitration: H2SO4 C6H6 + HONO2 ---------> C6H5NO2 + H2O Nitric Acid Nitrobenzene Nitration: .................H2SO4 C6H6 + HONO2 ---------> C6H5NO2 + H2O .....Nitric Acid ......Nitrobenzene

What is used to contain sulfuric acid?

Sulfuric acid is usually kept in glass containers.

Where can one purchase sulfuric acid?

Sulfuric acid is an acid that is used in the science of Chemistry. Sulfuric acid can be purchased from companies such as "Science Company" but is also available for purchase from Amazon.

What is the most used acid in the world?

Sulfuric Acid

What acid is used in car batteries?

Sulfuric acid

Is sulfuric acid used to make rubber fertilizers and plastic?

Yes sulfuric acid is used in manufacturing of plastics, rubber and fertilizers.

Why sulfuric acid is used in the estimation of quinine sulfate by florimetry?

The fluorescence of quinine is stronger in sulfuric acid solutions.

What can a sulfuric acid do and what is it used for?

Sulphuric acid is used in the manufacture of fertilisers (superphosphates) and as a battery acid.

What Can be found as a yellow solid in nature ans is used to make sulfuric acid?

The element that can be found in nature and is used to make sulfuric acid is Sulfur.

How does sulfuric acid turn into acid rain?

Sulfur dioxide from industry and car exhaust combines with the water in clouds to form sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid bubbled into water produces sulfuric acid, and this method is even used in the production of sulfuric acid, known as the contact process. This process basically occurs nearly the same way in the clouds, and the resulting acid falls as acid rain.