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Because it is accessible to Asia, Europe, and Africa

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Q: Why is the Fertile Crescent nicknamed the crossroads of the world?
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What area is called crossroads of the ancient world?

Fertile Crescent Because it in between Asia, Europe, and Africa

What has often been called the crossroads of the world because it commands access to three continents?

The Fertile Crescent is often referred to as the "crossroads of the world" because it commands access to three continents. The three continents are Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Why was the Fertile Crescent a major means of migration?

The middle east was called the crossroads of the world because it was the meeting of three continents- Asia, Africa, and Europe

The Tigris and Euphrates rivers pass through an area of the world known as the ______?

The Tigris and Euphrates rivers pass through an area of the world known as the Fertile Crescent.

Where do the Tigris and Euphrates rivers pass through an area of the world?

fertile crescent

What is the world's oldest civilization?

Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia)

What region of the world is the Fertile Crescent today?


Why was the Fertile Crescent considered the cross roads of the ancient world?

Crossroads is a fairly meaningless expression unless there is a lot of traffic crossing it and going/coming to/from somewhere significant. In fact there were two centres of civilisation - the Fertile Crescent and Egypt. It is more meaningful to talk in those terms rather than a glib phrase which has little meaning.

The Fertile Crescent where the first cities were built around 3500BCE in what part of the world did this happen?

The Fertile Crescent was, for the most part, located in what is now the country of Iraq.

Where in Asia did people first start farming?

The first agricultural efforts in history were in Asia's The Fertile Crescent. So the place where farming began in Asia and in the world was the fertile crescent.

How did wheat growing spread from the Fertile Crescent to the rest of the world?

it started from people

What region of the world was Mesopotamia in?

I think it was called the fertile crescent region........ Im not sure though.........