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The Incas' buildings made them so well known because many of their techniques and buildings were so well built that they remain today. Many of their farming architecture techniques are actually still in use today because they were able to take a mountainous terrain and flatten and expand the farm land.

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Q: Why is the Incas known for their buildings?
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Was was the incas architecture?

stone like buildings an observatories

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What were the Inca's known for?

The Incas were known for there four layered pyramids. I think this is a good answer.

What did the incas do when they built buildings that was so unusual?

they decorated it with gold and silver

What kind of buildings did the Incas build?

they built walls of granite and dirt raods

How did the incas build their government?

they used cement and made the worlds largest incan road system

What's the difference in art of the Mayas Incas and Aztecs?

One difference in Art of the Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs is that the Incas were able to construct stone buildings without using mortar to seal the stones together.

What agriculture are the Incas known for?


Did Incas live in any other houses besides stone?

Yes, they actually did. Most times incas lived in houses made of straw, grass, mud, and clay. The stone buildings were usually reserved for important buildings or rich houses because they were had to build.

What are Incas known for?

for good things they did to draons

What ceremonies were performed by the Incas?

The Incas indulged in human sacrifice, particularly of children, in a ceremony known as capacocha.

Which civilization had wonderful architects that designed and built amazing buildings in the slopes of the Andes mountains?

I do believe this was the Incas.