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Tasmanian devils are not "mean". This term is used to describe a human characteristic.

Generally, Tasmanian devils are shy and reclusive, and they avoid confrontations. However, they can be aggressive when they sense a threat to their food supply. They can also be aggressive and vicious when engaged in territorial disputes. They are not "mean".

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The Tasmanian devil does not store food. The thickness of its tail is an indication of the animal's health. It does store fat in its tail so that if food is scarce, the Tasmanian devil can draw on these fat reserves.

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Tasmanian devils do not eat other live Tasmanian devils. They will, however, readily feed on the carcass of another Tasmanian devil that has died.

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No, the Tasmanian devil does not live in the desert.

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The Tasmanian devil has a conservation status of Endangered.

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The Tasmanian devil belongs to the class Mammalia.

What is the status of the Tasmanian devil?

The Tasmanian devil has a conservation status of Endangered.

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What is the geography of a Tasmanian Devil?

A "Tasmanian Devil" is an animal. As such it does not have any geography. The Term "geography" can only be applied to land not animals. For instance you could as "What is the geography of Tasmania" or "What is the geographical habitat of the Tasmanian Devil" but not "What is the geography of a Tasmanian Devil".For the habitat of the Tasmanian devil, see the related question.