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The echidna, like the platypus, is unusual because it lays eggs, rather than producing live young.

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Q: Why is the echidna unusual among mammals in the way its baby is produced?
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What characteristic of the platypus and echidna is very unusual among animals?

They are egg-laying mammals.

What is the definitive characteristic of mammals?

The definitive characteristic of all mammals is that they feed their young on mothers' milk. No other animal group does this. Mammals are also unique in that their skin covering is fur, hair or plain skin.With the exception of the platypus and the two species of echidna (which belong to a subgroup of mammals known as monotremes), their young are born alive. However, this trait is common among many fish, reptiles and a small number of amphibians.

Are spiny anteaters monotremes?

Yes. The spiny anteater, more correctly known as the echidna, is a monotreme. This means it is an egg-laying mammal which feeds its young on mothers' milk, one of only two such types of animals in the world. The other monotreme is the platypus.

What are the animals who give birth to young ones by egg?

Among the mammals - monotremes Among birds - all of them Among fish - most of them Among reptiles - most of them Among insects - most of them Egg laying is common to all species of birds and most reptiles, though several species of snakes and lizards are viviparous. Most fish and amphibians are oviparous as well. Among mammals, only the platypus and four species of echidna lay eggs. There is a third mode of reproduction, called "ovovivipary" in which embryos develop inside eggs that are held within the mother's body, until they are ready to hatch. The scientific term for an animal that lays eggs is oviparous.

How do you rephrase a sentence all mammals are warmblooded which is a common characteristic among mammals?

It is rephrased as mammals are homeothermic animals .

Are monkeys eagles and crocodiles mammals?

Only monkeys are mammals among those animals you named.

What is the difference among marine mammals and other mammals?

Marine mammals live and water and they need to surface to breathe. While land mammals can breathe just as humans do.

Why is man considered to be unique among the mammals?

Humans are very unique among all the numerous mammals. So far, we have evolved and adapted the most. Hope this helped! :)

What is the scientific name for an echidna?

The scientific name for the short-beaked echidna is Tachyglossus aculeatus.The scientific name for the long-beaked echidna is Zaglossus bruijnii.

What is one similarity among mammals bird and reptiles?

All are vertebrates.

Why are mammals the most highly developed among the vertebrates?

it is because mammals have highly developed nervous system and presence of spinal cord.

Why are tigers mammels?

Because they fulfill the criteria needed to be mammals. Among which are that they are vertebrates, hairy, and they suckle their young.