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Starch is needed to store glucose because starch is thousands of glucose linked together to form the polysaccharide 'starch', and is a more efficient way to store glucose than thousands of individual glucose molecules free floating around.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Sugars are stored as starches in plants cells so that the energy they contain can be used later by the plant. Easy access. In addition, humans can only access the energy contained in plant starch, as opposed to cellulose in plants because humans don't have enzymes to break down cellulose. Hope that's the answer you are looking for.

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9y ago

Excess sugar is stored as starch because it is compact, insoluble in water and does not diffuse through cell membranes. Starch can also be easily hydrolyzed back into glucose.

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13y ago

Just exactly that: Storage - put the energy rich sugars away for future use. Glucose is put into storage in animal cells in the form of Glycogen.

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14y ago

An enzyme known as beta amylase.

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Q: Why is the excess glucose that is not used in plants stored as starch?
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What is the storage molecule made by glucose in plants?

Starch. Plants use the excess glucose to form starch molecules

This developing plant uses starch stored in the seed as a source of energy during germination This stored starch is a by-product of?

The stored starch is a by-product of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis produces glucose; plants can convert and store excess glucose as starch. Both sugar and starch are types of carbohydrates.

Where do plants store glucose in?

In plants, glucose is generally stored as starch.

What is glucose stored as in plants?


Which molecule do plants use to store extra glucose?

Glucose can be stored in plants in several ways. In some plants , the glucose molecules join to one another to form starch molecules. Some plants convert glucose to fructose and the energy is stored in this form. In other plants, fructose combines with glucose to form sucrose. The energy is stored in carbohydrates in this form. Plant cells obtain energy for their activities from these molecules.

What energy does the body store from eating food?

The body uses glucose as energy. Excess glucose is stored as fat (in animals) and as starch (in plants).

Why is starch found in plants?

Glucose for energy is stored as starch in plants. The glucose molecules join up to form starch molecules.

A type of sugar stored by plants?

Glucose is stored in starch molecules.

Is starch stored in leaves of some plants?

after the plant photosynthesises, it has some left over glucose that the leaves covert into starch. The starch is then stored in the chlorophyl (the green pigment in the leaves). At night or in the dark, the plant can't photosynthesise so it respires the stored starch instead

What do plants and animals store excess carbos as?

unused carbohydrates in an animal are stored as fat and as starch in a plant.

What is glucose not used immediately stored as?

Plants convert unused glucose into starch.

What polysaccharides do plants store in plastids?

The plants store starch as polysaccharide in their plastids.