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Because the same thing is repeated over and over again.

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Q: Why is the history of China's dynasties called a cycle?
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What is the dynastic cycle?

The dynastic cycle is the belief that the rise and fall of dynasties is controlled by Heaven (God).

What Is the Definition Dynastic Cycle?

The Government has embodied the dynastic cycle negating its destructivness by placing it under the law.

Why was the Chinese idea of time and history not linear?

The premise of this question is based upon the 60 year cycle of the Chinese year recording system,Ganzhi. In the long history of China,dynasties rose,dynasties fell.And there is no big difference between two consecutive dynasties.So people saw no changes and they thought the world was just cycling. The ancient history of China was far from science and did not establish what a modern historical science would constitute.

What is the Chinese dynastic cycle?

The dynastic cycle is a political theory in the history of China. The theory states that every dynasty goes through a rise and fall and a cycle culture.

Which ancient civilization was ruled by many dynasties including the Song and Ming and eventually developed the idea of the dynastic cycle?


What was the pattern of the rise and fall of Chinese dynasties called?

A person of great ability (or sometimes great luck) can create a dynasty which can last for a long time as long as the various successors have sufficient ability, but once you get a dynastic heir who is particularly incompetent, the dynasty will fall.

Why is oxygen cycle called a cycle?

it is called a cycle because it is a continuous process.

The water cycle is also called the what cycle?

The water cycle is also called the hydro-logic cycle.

What is the definition of dynastic cycle?

"Dynastic cycle" is a Chinese political theory. By definition, it is the name for the cycle of the rise and fall of dynasties.

What is the process of the water cycle called?

Another name for the water cycle is the hydrologic cycle.

What is a person called that rides a cycle or a cycle rickshawis a beef thief also called?

cycle rick,cycle rickshawer and a cycle rickshaw jockey or cycle rickshawist

Why does the rock cycle play a significant part in the history of the earth?

The rock cycle plays a significant part in the history of Earth, because of its orbit