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they are similar becuz the both let you flex your arm or leg

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Q: Why is the lower arm and leg bones similar?
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In the skeletal system what does not include the arm and leg bones?

The humerus is the bone in the upper arm. The radius and the ulna are the bones in the forearm. The femur is the bone in the thigh. The tibia and the fibula are the bones in the lower leg.

What is the job of the arm and leg bones?

The arm and leg bones keep your arms and legs straight

Which bone of the arm corresponds to the femur of the leg?

the "thigh" bone is the femur and the "bone of the arm" is the humorus. these bones are very similar to each other. they both have head of the humorus and head of the femur.

What bones do baseball help?

Leg bones and arm bones

What is the structure of your lower legs and arms?

Both your lower legs and lower arms are made of two bones each. The radius is the larger bone of the arm, analagous to the larger tibia of the leg. The ulna is the smaller bone of the arm, while the fibula is the smaller bone of the leg.

Which of the bones does not include the arm and leg bones?

The axial skeleton.

Does the arm have more bones than the leg?


What would be an a homologous structure to a human arm bone?

Arm bones of all mammals . APEX=A bird's wing bone

What skeleton includes the arm and leg bones?


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Do orcas have bones?

Yes. In fact, they have remnants of Hand, Arm, and Leg bones.

What are the two lower legs?

In anatomical terms, the lower leg is referred to simply as the "leg." The two bones of the lower leg are the tibia and fibula.