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Because they are like kids around the cookie jar. One in never enough. When you make concessions, someone always wants "just a little more".

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Q: Why is the policy of appeasement not likely to result in a lasting peace when used with an aggressive nation?
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What Policy of avoiding war with an aggressive nation by giving into its demands?

The policy is referred to as 'Appeasement'.

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What was result of Britain's appeasement policy?

In the years leading up to World War II, Great Britain (as well as France) indulged in an appeasement policy toward Germany and other aggressor-nations. One negative result was that it encouraged Germany, in particular, to continue making demands and engaging in aggressive policies. On the other hand, it undeniably bought time for the nation to rearm and otherwise prepare for the war that increasingly seemed to be a certainty.

What was a result of Britain's appeasement policy?

In the years leading up to World War II, Great Britain (as well as France) indulged in an appeasement policy toward Germany and other aggressor-nations. One negative result was that it encouraged Germany, in particular, to continue making demands and engaging in aggressive policies. On the other hand, it undeniably bought time for the nation to rearm and otherwise prepare for the war that increasingly seemed to be a certainty.

Why is appeasement important?

The idea of appeasing your enemy to keep him at arms length away from you is a good idea in theory to protect yourself. But, enemies do not always stay appeased. Appeasement does not really work if the enemy is not appeased as in the case of Adolf Hitler. He went against every nation that tried the appeasement tactic with him.

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Which is the most aggressive nation on Earth?

The US which uses military force as an extension of politics .

What is Appeasement?

Generally speaking, appeasement is a foreign policy term that speaks to a nations relationships to other nations. A nation with a foreign policy of appeasement usually infers that certain types of unruly behavior is allowed by other nations as a way to maintain peace, rather than confrontation other than dialogues concerning the situation. The classic example of this appeasement policy is the way France and England allowed Nazi Germany to break the Treaty of Versailles and other situations. The Allies, France and England, went along or appeased Hitler in order to avoid a war. If appeasement is practiced where issues are minor, then perhaps accommodation is a better term.

Nation with a high amount of exports will more likely have?

Nation with a high amount of exports will more likely have more income.

What is a policy of appeasement?

Appeasement is a diplomatic/political policy whereby one nation or set of nations "appeases" another (or several others) by giving in to demands or even actions of some kind. Appeasement was enacted quite famously in the 1930s by the British and French governments, as they gave in to German demands and actions alike without any hostile reaction, sometimes even with formal approval.